Stupid and Science

April 30, 2016

The Curator offered up Steve Benen’s piece for The MaddowBlog, Paul Ryan’s Curious Case against Expertise on April 27. And MRW posted It’s the Stupid, Stupid! on April 24, focusing on Donald Trump’s stupid statements. (He keeps promising he’ll get “presidential” soon, whatever that means, then not, then, etc.)

Stupid among national Republicans did not begin in 2015-16. In 2012 former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum want on a rant about college and elites. Here’s Rick Santorum’s Anti-College Rant, Charles Blow’s January 2012 take-down for the New York Times. Then there is Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), offering up a snowball in the Senate chamber, to disprove climate change.

Senator Inhofe has also claimed climate change is impossible because G-d, stating:

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