Memorial Day Thoughts

May 30, 2016

It’s Memorial Day. Back in the day Memorial Day fell on May 30, always. That Memorial Day falls on May 30 in 2016 means, simply, that the last Monday in May in 2016 is the 30th day of the month.

The date change resulted from the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, a President Lyndon Johnson* / Congress production which moved certain holidays to a fixed Monday, to provide for more three-day weekends. As a by-product, we trivialized a day which, since 1868, has been set aside to honor those who died while serving us. Now, Memorial Day represents the left bookend of summer—Labor Day is on the right—and brings with it all of the sales and

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Memorial Day Thoughts

May 25, 2015

There’s a quote out there which captures well my thoughts about Memorial Day. It’s from Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-Vt.), who says:

If you are not prepared to take care of the men and women who put their lives on the line to defend this country – who came back wounded in body, wounded in spirit – if you’re not prepared to help those people, then don’t send them to war in the first place.

Memorial Day was, originally, Decoration Day. (For some background on the early origins of the holiday, read The Surprising History of Memorial Day by Ben Railton for Talking Points Memo.) It had as its purpose decorating the graves of dead soldiers.

I appreciate the fact that

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