Dale Carnegie He’s Not!

August 29, 2019

Dale Carnegie He’s Not!

Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie

President Donald Trump

America, Pre-Trump

Dale Carnegie died in 1955, more than 60 years ago. Still, the book he wrote in 1936, How to Win Friends and Influence People, remains very popular. How popular? No. 11 on the Amazon Chart (if I’m reading it correctly.)

Mr. Carnegie’s message has always been simple: Make people like you and help them see things your way. The message resonates, even if his style—a bit hucksterish—does not sit well with everyone. And it works! I know plenty of people—including one regular MRW reader—who followed the path, with significant success.

I mention Mr. Carnegie for a reason. He offered optimism. He saw a big wide world, conquerable by

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Trump: Changing the Presidency?

August 26, 2019

Trump: Changing the Presidency?


Mark Rubin

I read Sixty-eight minutes in Biarritz: A glimpse into Trump’s unorthodox mind on Monday. It offers a recounting of one strange, meandering press conference … but, so what? Another Trump moment. Hardly worthy of notice.

Okay, what caught my attention was the last phrase in the third paragraph: “… the myriad ways he has changed the presidency in 31 months.” Changed the presidency? Not so much.

The Presidency

Respectfully, I believe historians will see January 20, 2017 through January 20, 2021 as a sojourn into the surreal—or perhaps, the executive branch on an acid trip—from which it will recover quickly, starting soon after the Trumps leave town. Don’t misunderstand me, please: Mr. Trump has

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August 15, 2019



Mark Rubin

I saw this post, shared on Facebook by my high school chemistry lab partner, Sarah Fajardo fka Sally Johnson. It explains how Sinn Fein can prevent a no-deal Brexit. I read the piece. Truly!

Unfortunately, I didn’t understand the issues even a little. What I did get, though, as a strong sense that too much I see in and about the world is simply too complicated!

I think I’m a fellow of above average intelligence. For damn near 40 years, I have dealt with complex matters on behalf of others. They—clients—have paid me many millions of dollars to address their complicated problems. Still, I feel stupid, too, too often.

Take Social Security. I’ll be 62

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Sunlight as a Disinfectant: Justice Louis Brandeis

August 11, 2019

Sunlight as a Disinfectant: Justice Louis Brandeis


Louis Brandeis

Justice Louis Brandeis served on the U.S. Supreme Court from 1916 until 1939. He was America’s great lawyer before he joined the Court and, always, a great writer. In Other People’s Money – and How Banker’s Use It (1914), he observed:

Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.

Our nation suffers from a social disease which has plagued us for its entire existence: racism. Wait. What? When we elected Barack Obama we got a post-racial America. Shangri-La. Right? Uh, not so much, for Mr. Obama handed over the keys

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Elizabeth Warren for President

August 1, 2019

Elizabeth Warren for President

ESenator Elizabeth Warren for President

Elizabeth Warren

We’re into it already, 15 months before the 2020 election. Truly, fathoming 30 months of Trump, another 18 on the horizon, and the potential for 48 more escapes me.

I’m a pretty conservative fellow. No, really! Alright, by political measures I’m four blocks left of anywhere I happen to find myself. Otherwise, though, I really am.

I learned “go slow to go fast” from Old Friend Griff. When I handle a legal matter, I’m looking for the simplest and least expensive alternative (although, from time to time, I’ve pushed the edge of the envelope.) I believe in waiting your turn, minding your manners, and getting your facts straight before you open your mouth. Etc.,

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Because I Said So

June 22, 2019

The “Because I Said So” Presidency

because i said so

President Donald Trump

Much gets written about the lack of coherency in the Trump presidency. Not so much, in fact, for policies do fit within labeled circles. Anything Obama did, I do the opposite. Science means nothing, if the people disagree. Afflict the afflicted—even if they support me—and comfort the comfortable. (I’m sure there are more, so comment away.)

In the foreign policy realm, “because I said so” explains much. Many (most) of us have known (or been, or both) the parent who believes his or her status, alone, justifies everything. Or the boss, dealing with an underling. Or anyone else in a power situation who thinks power, alone, suffices.

That Donald Trump adopts

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Summer Travel 2019

June 18, 2019

Summer Travel 2019

travel 2019

Mark Rubin

Summer Travel 2019 involves family. We spent last Wednesday through Sunday in New York and Connecticut, for family Bat Mitzvah and high school graduation celebrations. Mid-July will have us in Rochester New York for my daughter’s wedding party. (A scheduling snafu had us in Rochester for 2+ extra days. Easy solution? Two-plus extra days in Lower Manhattan, after the party.)

New York City

LB and I had not been to NYC together before. She’s had NYC addresses, and I’ve been a many-times visitor. Together, we had a fine time. One hour from landing at LaGuardia to arriving at our place at 75th St. on the West Side. OK dinner at Jacobs’s Pickles. (Best ever greens

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Congress … Oy Vez

June 4, 2019

Congress … Oy Vez


Mark Rubin

I wrote FUBarr the other day. I focused on how Special Counsel Robert Mueller explained his treatment of the obstruction of justice issue, given that he could not indict President Donald Trump, and did not have facts which allowed him to clear the president. As well, I took out after Attorney General William Barr and a columnist, on account of their blatant mendaciousness.

One of the smartest people I know, B.A., commented on the post. She noted the “regular person’s” frustration with the nuance, while also observing that Russian interference with the election ought to be mattering more, to President Trump and everyone else.

B.A. nailed it, but I want to go farther. Too,

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May 31, 2019


william barr

Attorney General William Barr

FUBarr as a title? Facebook applies certain standards. The F-word? Bad. False representations of the U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives? Nothing to see here; move along.

Thank you, Attorney General William Barr and National Review Poo-Bah Rich Lowry for dragging me back into the fray. Y’all deserve no respect from me or anyone else, as you are mendacious, despicable creatures. But, you can “angry up the blood.”

Critiquing Special Counsel Robert Mueller

General Barr tells us Special Counsel Robert Mueller “could’ve reached a decision” on the alleged obstruction of justice issues. And Rich Lowry wrote:

Mr. Mueller ditched the presumption of innocence, a bedrock of the American legal system.

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See Your Dermatologist

May 28, 2019

See Your Dermatologist


Mark Rubin

I fell off the “every six-months dermatology appointments schedule” in the spring of 2018. My dermatologist and I can’t figure out what happened. Regardless, she and I did not meet up for about 18 months.

I’d been a faithful patient for years. I’ve lived in Tucson since 1961, spent my formative summers burning and peeling in pools and on tennis courts, and I have had at least a half-dozen dysplastic nevi removed. ‘Tis a race, between me and the melanoma, and this month I almost lost the race.

I get an annual physical. Lots of old-fashioned stuff like touching toes. Can’t. The reflex hammer. I wish I knew good from bad, when it comes

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