Labor Day

August 29, 2014

Labor Day began in 1882, in New York. It became a federal holiday, celebrated on the first Monday in September, annually, in 1894.

Labor Day

is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. (From the U.S. Department of Labor website.)

We live in difficult times—clichés are true, often—and it’s easy to forget the people who make our things, build stuff for us, get our goods to and from us, and clean up after us. Monday is their day!

Yes, we all partake of the three-day weekend. We treat summer as if it’s over, and focus on refocusing on work and school. But Monday reminds us that, for all of the talk about job creators, the “business of America is business,” the entrepreneurial class, etc., most people in America work for someone else, and most of those people are working in not so exciting jobs that pay not quite enough (or less) to provide for themselves and their families. (Truth be told, we live in a two-earner per household economy, and at that many struggle.) Setting aside a day in their honor is not much, but it’s a little bit of something, and if this message has helped everyone remember why we have a “three-dayer” right about now, every year, I’ve done my little bit.

Enjoy the weekend, be safe, and expect a light presence—if any—from Mark Rubin Writes!

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