Dale Carnegie He’s Not!

August 29, 2019

Dale Carnegie He’s Not!

Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie

President Donald Trump

America, Pre-Trump

Dale Carnegie died in 1955, more than 60 years ago. Still, the book he wrote in 1936, How to Win Friends and Influence People, remains very popular. How popular? No. 11 on the Amazon Chart (if I’m reading it correctly.)

Mr. Carnegie’s message has always been simple: Make people like you and help them see things your way. The message resonates, even if his style—a bit hucksterish—does not sit well with everyone. And it works! I know plenty of people—including one regular MRW reader—who followed the path, with significant success.

I mention Mr. Carnegie for a reason. He offered optimism. He saw a big wide world, conquerable by

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