The Wednesday Curator – 4/9/14

April 8, 2014

Boy howdy, does Wednesday roll around quickly. (I saw CBS coverage of the Masters in a restaurant yesterday, and realized just how far into 2014 we are!) Anyway, here’re some of the web posts that have caught my eye recently.

Those who know me well know guns are not on “favorite things” list. I have avoided the subject pretty assiduously because it raises strong, strong feelings. (I have a piece mostly written that I’ve not yet finalized for that reason.) Still, I thought The Gun Is Never the Problem:  A Guide to Right-Wing Responses to Mass Shootings, from Media Matters for America, addressed clearly how one media sector reports on mass shootings. I don’t have answers here, but I know we have lots more guns than the rest of the nations in the world, and lots more people dying from gunshot wounds. Correlation does not prove causation, but we’re not solving this problem, and still more people are dying. P.S. Expect that piece from me soon!

From Talking Points Memo last fall—reposted on April 8—is Defeating President Clinton’s Health Care Proposal by William Kristol. Not a typo … although the words certainly fit the approach the Republicans used in opposing the Affordable Care Act. (While you’re thinking about health care, read Sliver of Medicare Doctors Get Big Share of Payouts, written by Reed Abelson and Sarah Cohen in the April 9 New York Times.)

Here’s a short piece by Jeffrey Frank, posted on the New Yorker website:  A Four-Decade Tax War. However you feel about government and taxes, we have a system that no one can call fair or rational!

Gastronomy, at, is one of my favorite food blogs. Gastronomy fan Cathy Chaplin has a very fresh perspective on restaurants and food, and she takes great photos. Her recent post on Fishing with Dynamite, David LeFevre’s almost new, very modern fish house in Manhattan Beach, had me thinking about a side trip from San Diego. (Next time!) Don’t read this review when you are hungry!

And finally, and still about food, there are presently six New York City restaurants with four-star ratings from the New York Times. Jean Georges is one of those special places, and its third four-star review appears in the April 9 issue of the Times. Not for every day, and I may never eat in such a place in my life, but for a foody, even a peek can be pleasurable!

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