Renewal: Spring, Passover, Easter, and News

March 29, 2018

Renewal: Spring, Passover, Easter, and News


Mark Rubin

My favorite weekend of the year is upon us. Passover and Easter are joined at the hip, along with Spring. I’m amazed—and I digress, briefly—that some of my nominally Christian friends don’t link the Seder and the Last Supper. Forgive me, but do people think Mary and Joe’s boy—well maybe not Joe’s boy completely, but that biology is way above my pay grade—was passing on the Seder? Alas, there’s actually a debate … because, in these times, we can always debate everything.*

Renewal? Sure. The Passover story focuses completely on the opportunity to leave slavery in Egypt, for the promised land in Israel. And Easter? Duh! And, candidly, I think

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Confidentiality, Attorneys and Prospective Clients           

March 27, 2018

Confidentiality, Attorneys and Prospective Clients


Mark Rubin

On August 17, 2014 I posted Professional Responsibility; Confidentiality. Confidentiality represents a core part of the attorney-client relationship. Too often, unfortunately, we—yes, attorneys—ignore it or don’t understand it.

Plainly and simply: matters belong to clients, and not to their attorneys.* I work for you. The Rules of Professional Conduct and other sources set standards for me. And one of those standards—set forth in E(thical) R(ule) 1.6—tells me I can’t reveal “information relating to the representation of a client” without your consent. (There are several exceptions. They’re discussed in the 2014 piece, and not relevant here.)

“Information relating to the representation of the client” includes the very fact that an attorney-client relationship

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The March for Our Lives

March 24, 2018

The March for Our Lives

March for Our Lives

The March for Our Lives passed today, without any violence. Good on that, and thanks to law enforcement, governmental bodies, and event organizers. (And, of course, thanks to those who didn’t like today’s message but chose not to do anything more than exercise their First Amendment rights.)


As seen in D.C.

People near and dear to me went to Washington for today’s main event. I’m so proud of them for showing up! Others showed up in their own communities, including thousands—me among them—right here in Tucson.* Showing up matters, lots, and it matters especially when young people lead the cause, instead of those of us who have more yesterdays and fewer tomorrows. We’re killing

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Democracy in the Age of Ignorance

March 11, 2018

Democracy in the Age of Ignorance

democracy ignorance

Promise Keeper

President Donald Trump sells himself as a promise keeper. From 36,000 feet, one constant in his first year-plus as POTUS has been his “I’m keeping my promises” statements.

Much has been written about those promises, kept and broken. We’re passing on that here, except to note that while the record probably looks okay if we compare Mr. Trump to his predecessors, it sucks if we’re judging his presidency by his primary measure: keeping promises. (No one should measure promises quantitatively, for they’re not all equal.)

Does keeping promises matter? “Depends” should be the answer. And in the Age of Ignorance, depends should end up “no” almost always.

North Korea

Most recently—and impulsively

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Guns: Observations From the Front Lines

March 2, 2018

Guns: Observations From the Front Lines

gun front

Mark Rubin

Warner Wolf did sports for many years. He’s famous for Let’s Go to the Videotape, and this link shamelessly helps Mr. Wolf sell his book. The guy has sued Don Imus, which explains my interest in helping him.

Anyway, here’s my videotape. Stretch yourselves, non-clickers! Watch A. Bunker, of 704 Hauser St. in Queens, and a veteran of the Big War. In reverse he channels D. Trump, of 85-15 Wareham St., in Queens, who avoided service in Vietnam because of bone spurs. Norman Lear created Archie Bunker. And our Momzer-in-Chief? Candidates include Fred Trump, Roy Cohn, and sub-human matter I can’t mention in mixed company.


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Designing for Failed Solutions

February 20, 2018

Designing for Failed Solutions

failed solutions

Mark Rubin

The other day I posted Our Wealth Gap. In it I wrote: We can’t solve a problem to save our lives! Today, I focus on an example.

The Interview

What Gun Law Changes Would GOP Lawmakers Consider? offers Steve Inskeep’s interview of Alex Conant, a Republican political consultant. Mr. Conant offers a pleasant, disciplined, and articulate voice. He almost sounds reasonable!

So how did Mr. Conant tork me off? Cause me to scream at the car radio, which I don’t do … very often. Here’s the question, the offending answer, and the highlighted sentence which reflects a desire to never solve the gun problem:

INSKEEP: But, I mean, define the problem.

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We Didn’t Start the Fire

February 10, 2018

We Didn’t Start the Fire

we didn't start the fire

Billy Joel

Here’s the fifth iteration of We Didn’t Start the Fire (Annotated), first published on July 13, 2014 and last posted on February 10, 2018. For whatever it’s worth, no post at Mark Rubin Writes gets more views

we didn't start the fire

Christie Brinkley

we didn't start the fire

Elle Macpherson

William M. Joel writes and sings songs. On March 23, 1985 he married tall and very classy Christie Brinkley. (They divorced on August 25, 1994.) Was Ms. Brinkley the Uptown Girl in Uptown Girl, Mr. Joel’s big 1983 hit song? Only maybe, for while Mr. Joel—the short, Downtown Guy—knew and was friendly with Ms. Brinkley when he wrote the song, at the time he was dating taller very Uptown babe

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Sh*thole Countries, Trump, Differences, and MLK Day

January 15, 2018

Sh*thole Countries, Trump, Differences, and MLK Day


Sh*thole Countries

In an immigration meeting on Thursday President Donald Trump posed this question: “Why do we want all these people from Africa here? They’re shithole countries … We should have more people from Norway.” (Mr. Trump also linked Haiti to his comment.)


First, let’s dispense with ‘did he say it’ inquiries. Senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) confirmed the statement. Staffers at the White House claimed the comment would play well with Trump’s supporters. Initially, the White House did not deny the reports. And Mr. Trump bragged about the comment to his friends.

Second, shame on those elected Republicans – almost of those who have addressed the comment –

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Happy New Year

January 2, 2018

Happy New Year

happy new year

Mark Rubin

Days go by fast or slow, depending on what’s up, my mood, etc. Weeks and months and years? They pass like a train in the biggest hurry to get to who knows where. 2018 already? Incredible!

With yet another loss at the end of a year, my mind wandered to an emblem of aging: more funerals than weddings. Googling that phrase took me to Ecclesiastes 7:2: It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart. Hmmm! From writings which include the reminder that there’s a time for everything and a season

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