Dear Mr. President

July 8, 2017

Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,

We’ve never met. Still, I despise you more passionately than I ever thought possible. You are arrogant, dishonest, greedy, ill-informed, pompous, selfish, short-sighted, stupid, and untrustworthy. Truly, you are a despicable man.

Alas, you are also the man who, by virtue of a quirky electoral system, sits at the head of our government. (Save that load of horse-hooey about millions of people voting illegally for your opponent for the alt-facts crowd.) You’ve been our servant, now, for 169 terrible days, and you had 72 to prepare yourself for the job we gave you. (You had a lifetime, before Election Day 2016, but I don’t get a sense from you that you place much stock in being prepared.)

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June 16, 2017


Mr. President

Lots and lots of words, written and spoken about Mueller, Rosenstein, Russia, and Trump. Most of what we read and hear focuses on who can fire whom, and whether when the firings will happen. In and amongst the noise, though, we get plenty of “there’s no evidence” and “firing Mueller will destroy Trump.”

Bad frames. People, the Watergate break-in happened on June 17, 1972, 45 years ago, to the day. We live in a different world. To the “no evidence” crowd, evidence exists—or not—and we find out about it through investigations. They take time! Reading tweets, watching the news, and knowing the basics does not qualify you to say evidence does or does not exist to support a …

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Proposition 101: Tucson Sales Tax Increase

May 1, 2017

Proposition 101: Tucson Sales Tax Increase

Tucson has an election coming soon, on May 16, 2017. Voters will decide whether they want to increase the city sales tax by ½ of one percent to pay for road maintenance and public safety. Here’s a link with details, courtesy of Ballotpedia. Here’s the key takeaway regarding the spending plans:

Proposition 101 increases the sales tax by an additional 1/2 percent between July 1, 2017, and June 30, 2022. The 0.5 percent tax would bring in an estimated $250 million over the five years.

Of the revenue raised by the 0.5 percent sales tax, 60 percent would be deposited into a Public Safety Improvements Fund and 40 percent would be deposited

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Mad as Hell … about Obamacare Repeal.

January 7, 2017

Mad as Hell … about Obamacare Repeal.

Why? you say. Or, Just another Liberal who can’t accept a loss? I’ll explain what has me torked off just now—I was pretty equanimous about the whole repeal thing, really—in a bit. Some background first.

Self-employed from 2000 until 2009. Uninsurable from 2006 on, dependent on a state-sponsored program for small businesses. (Uninsurable, for some of my R friends, means No. Policies. Available. Without. Exclusions. For. My. Health. Issues. None, at any cost. For reals.)

I joined a fine law firm in January 2010. Health insurance mattered, although I’d have gone even if insurance was not an issue. I worried about my insurance program continuing. Passage of the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare

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2016 Election Thoughts – Part VI (DJT)

November 19, 2016

2016 Election Thoughts – Part VI (DJT)

I’ve written many words about Donald Trump. None of them have been kind. Now, I find myself wanting, with precious little to say which hasn’t already been said.*

Most people say, We’ll get through this. Probably. But maybe not. No immutable law says the United States of America will last forever. That it has lasted for 228 years does not mean we have another 228 years to go. Or 28, or even eight.

Authoritarianism—a desire for order and a fear of outsiders—explains Mr. Trump’s victory. Vox had the goods in The Rise of American Authoritarianism, written by Amanda Taub in March 2016. (For non-clickers, Ms. Taub reports on research which demonstrates the

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The Wednesday Curator – 7/6/2016

July 5, 2016

The Curator has graciously donated most of his space this week to demonstrating the fraudulent essence of Donald Trump. Here goes:

Donald Trump is No Christian. Peter Wehner’s piece in the July 5 New York Times, The Theology of Donald Trump, takes care of the religious issue with knowledge and grace. Mr. Wehner notes the contrast between Mr. Trump’s focus on worldly success and power, and Christian values. The outcome is not pretty for Mr. Trump or those who preach values and follow him. Inauthenticity abounds!

Donald Trump Lives and Dies by the Insult. The Upshot at the New York Times offers The 239 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List, collected

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Sky Harbor Gate: The Bubba / Loretta Lynch Chat

July 1, 2016

Well, it looks like Good Ole Bubba’s done stepped in the dirty stuff, once again. To hear it told, the impending Hillary indictment concerned him so greatly that he managed to arrange for an out-in-public meeting at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix, plane to plane, with Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Why? Well, duh, to fix the case.

Occam’s razor is a maxim* which holds people should select the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions. William of Ockham, who lived about 700 years ago, gets credit for Occam’s razor. And although the razor works best in the scientific setting, its basic principle applies here.

Here’s how the Attorney General described the chat she had with former President Bill Clinton:

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Hillary and (the) Donald: Some Thoughts!

May 26, 2016

Lately, I’ve had two separate thoughts about the 2016 presidential election cycle. The first relates to Hillary Clinton; the second involves what happens if Donald Trump loses.

Hillary Clinton has clearly lost a significant following among Lefties. How everything plays out we won’t know for a while, but many Left-leaning people have “12 on a 1-10 scale” antipathy toward Ms. Clinton. Thinking about this situation brought to mind the Swim Coach Firing. (We going back more than 45 years here.)

I swam competitively between ages 8 and about 17, on and off. (More off than on as I got older, although I swam as a freshman at Beloit College.) My first coach was Sherman Ralsey Miller IV aka Minger. (If

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Justice Antonin Scalia, Three Weeks Later

March 4, 2016

I wrote Justice Antonin Scalia on February 18, and thought I’d said pretty much everything I had to say. Alas, not!

Justice Scalia died on February 13, only three weeks ago. What has me writing again is the evident impact his death has had on the U.S. Supreme Court and the country. No observant person ever doubted the fact that Justice Scalia was a force on the Court. I suspect, though, that even the sharpest observers are, like me (who is not a part of that cohort), goggle-eyed about how much has changed in 21 days. For proof, read The Supreme Court’s New Era by Linda Greenhouse—is a part of the sharpest observer cohort, and should maybe be its honorary

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Harney County, Oregon: Some Thoughts

January 7, 2016

R-O-T-F-L-M-A-O over the events in Harney County, Oregon. I certainly hope the situation ends peacefully, but if the occupiers of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge get some justice I won’t lose a moment’s sleep.

The background for the story can be found here. In simple terms, Dwight and Steven Hammond—a father / son due, and both bad actors—set fire to federal property. They were convicted. They were sentenced and resentenced. They have surrendered and are in prison.

Notwithstanding all of that, some good ole boys decided to get behind the situation and take a stand, after G-d told them to. (Here’s the video from Ammon Bundy, and I need to warn you in advance that it’s incoherent. It’s

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